Membership Info

Soul Growth Journey Tribe Members Only Subscription

A monthly subscription that gives you access to learn practical tools & techniques for helping you further your connection with your own intuition. These can be anything from techniques to remove past emotional patterns, to books and resources I recommend, to guided meditations and healing exercises.

The membership currently exists as a private Facebook group in which you can interact directly with Sonia and other members on their journey.

Woman meditating in lotus pose on beach at sunset.
When you sign up for the Soul Growth Journey, please provide your Facebook URL and you will receive an invitation to join our private Facebook group.

Get 20% off when you sign up for a one year subscription.

Angel Whispers

This tier includes access to the Private Facebook Group Page, Soul Growth Journey.

Price: $44.44/mo

I Am Life Coaching

Sonia Illescas

As an intuitive psychic, Sonia is dedicated to the growth and evolution of mindfulness and human consciousness. She is a holistic healer delivering the message of faith, love, compassion and forgiveness.

Join My Divine Sacred Community!

I hope you will join my online community so you can receive not only my regular Soul Growth Journey newsletter, which is full of inspirational and healing messages, but also get advance notice of special events and subscriber-only offers, as well as connecting with like-minded souls all over the world. Sign up today!

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I Am Life Coaching

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