why a spiritual life coach
why a spiritual life coach

About Sonia

I am Sonia Illescas, Angel Channel, Anointed Seer, Fourth Generational Holistic Healer, Sacred Feminine and Twin Flame Guide . I have been guiding, coaching and empowering twins on the true journey of Sacred Union to be able to come into union.

My highest calling is to have incarnated at this time as a Sacred Divine Feminine to teach and empower others to awaken to their highest calling.

We must all find balance in our masculine and feminine polarities to invite and connect with the Holy Trinity Flame of Divine Truth, Divine Unconditional Love and Divine Empowerment to find sacred union within ourselves first to then come to a vibrational frequency to anchor in the new earth frequency affirming that we are here to create heaven on earth.

Together as a collective in Oneness we are raising the level of awareness shifting from the 3D unconsciousness matrix to the 5D consciousness.

In my sessions I provide clear and specific information and offer tools like guided meditations and energy clearings to assist you in releasing what no longer serves you and help you create the life you were born to live.

This is a personalized divinely channeled message & reading of guidance and encouragement from your angels and guides. They share advice and open up opportunities that will help us in our day to day lives. I tap into your energy and connect with divine energy. I invite your angels, spirit guides, source (God) to divinely channel your messages. I also work with the Sophia Christ light, the Christ Consciousness, Holy Spirt and Violet Flame.

As a divine channeler, I divinely use my psychic gifts to channel and share messages and guidance transmitted through me. I hold the ability to channel intuitively from the angelic realm, spirit guides, ascended masters and multi-dimensional light beings. I am humbled to be part of your journey.

“People must learn to dance with their inner-child, ego-self and God-self before they can truly dance life’s journey into enlightenment. Only then will we comprehend divine inner peace, unconditional love, divine truth and holistic healing into sacred union

Angels be with you”-Sonia Illescas

Namaste Beautiful Souls! Welcome!

In so much gratitude and ever so humble that you are here. Thank you for joining me, it is both a privilege and my honor to be part of your journey. My mission to teach and share Angels with the collective as part of the #newearth to create heaven on earth.I am an International Spiritual Ascension Life Coach, a fourth Generation gifted Empath, Intuitive, Psychic Medium, Angelic Channel and Holistic Healer. My approach is to work with Divine Light and the Angelic Realm so as to connect and offer Angelic Readings, Reiki, Clearings, Psychic Development Courses, Angelic Code Activations and Angelic Guidance.I am Divinely guided to assist the collective with Angel Readings & Twin Flame Readings.. I have been on my Twin Flame journey for a year and half so part of my purpose is to provide guidance and support on this amazing sacred union journey.

Many Blessings,


I am an ascension coach, angel channel, author and spiritual teacher, grateful for your patronage to support my work.

Together we will join with the divine, ascended master, guides and angels to expand the collective consciousness as we anchor in Divine light, divine truth, divine love and divine empowerment.

May you follow your heart and the integrity of your  divine light.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
And so it is
I love you, Sonia

What Makes Spiritual Coaching Unique?

Becoming a Spiritual Life Coach enabled me to realize my life’s purpose in helping others. After my mother’s passing in 2014, I felt that I had lost my purpose. Longing to find my path again, I found my soul’s purpose  that changed my life, allowing me to work through my own issues, while learning the skills needed to help uplift others. I will forever be grateful for the impactful experience that God placed upon my heart. Now I can freely pursue my calling as a Life Coach without any restrictions and with an open heart. I know first-hand that the stumbles I have taken have only made me more compassionate, enabling me to help others with their life’s journey.

The Role of a Spiritual Coach

… is to help peel back the layers upon layers of emotional distress that we have layered upon ourselves by not dealing with the emotions at hand. We’ve become a society so fixated on taking medicine for each ailment that we’ve forgotten how to self sooth. I help people align with their inner truth to embrace love, faith, joy and abundance.

Our Services Include:

  • Angelic Guidance
  • Akashic Records
  • Angel Therapy
  • Angelic Reiki
  • Angelic Intuitive Readings
  • Angelic Code Activation
  • Chakra Balance & Aura Cleansing
  • Cord Cutting
  • Deliverance Certified
  • Divine Light Infusions
  • Intuitive Life Coaching & Guidance
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Past Life Regressions
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Shamanic Journeys
  • Soul & Energy Clearings
  • Soul Realignment
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Soul Wound Healing
  • Sound Vibration Healing
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