Deliverance with Sonia

I Am Life Coaching

Anointed Seer & Holy Spirit Guidance. Spiritual Life Coaching & Soul Wound Healing, Deliverance & Spiritual Warfare Training. Spiritual Life Coaching Certification.

Book An Intuitive Angel Reading - Receive Messages From Your Angels & Guides.

Spiritual Life Coaching, this is a personalized divinely channeled message & reading of guidance and encouragement from the Holy Spirit. To share advice and open up opportunities that will help us in our day to day lives. I tap into your energy and connect with divine energy. I create a sacred space to divinely channel your messages. As an anointed seer, I use my God-given gifts to  share messages and guidance.  

My Twin Flame sessions are to empower you on your enlightenment journey as the Sacred Divine Masculine or the Sacred Divine Feminine on your When we understand it is first Sacred Union with God.     We work with  divine guidance  so we will discover blocks and obstacles delaying your sacred union journey.

Book A Twin Flame Reading

Sonia Illescas, Iam Life Coaching

About Sonia

Blessings Beautiful Souls:

I am Sonia Illescas, Anointed Seer,  Soul Wound Healing & Deliverance Minister. I aspire to be  Sacred Feminine and in divine union with God.My journey has provided me guidance to share and guide others on Twin Flame journey . I have been guiding, coaching and empowering the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine on the true journey of Sacred Union to be able to come into union. 

My highest calling is to have incarnated at this time as a Sacred Divine Feminine to teach and empower others to awaken to their highest calling back home to God.

We must all find balance in our masculine and feminine polarities to invite and connect with the Holy Trinity Flame of Divine Truth, Divine Unconditional Love and Divine Empowerment to find sacred union within ourselves first to then come to a vibrational frequency to anchor in the new earth frequency affirming that we are here to create heaven on earth.

Together as a collective in Oneness, God consciousness  we are raising the level of awareness shifting from the 3D, sleepers, unconsciousness matrix to the 5D, God consciousness.

 Grace & Gratitude. Sonia  

Why do you need...

Spiritual Coaching

  • You are feeling stuck and need help moving into the right direction
  • You need help with accountability – on your souls journey with a little extra help towards the right direction
  • You are struggling with a break-up and moving on seems impossible
  • You are struggling with grief and coping with the loss of a loved one
A woman is sitting in the sunlight with her hands outstretched.
A couple kissing in front of a heart shaped fire.

Twin Flame Guidance

My Twin Flame readings are to empower you on your enlightenment journey as the Sacred Divine Masculine or the Sacred Divine Feminine on your Sacred Union journey. I tap into your energy alone with your counterparts. I then give you guidance from the Holy Spirit.   We work to discover blocks and obstacles delaying your sacred union journey.

Enroll in our online classes

  • Awaken Your Intuition
  • Spiritual Awakening With The Angelic Realm

Ascension Coaching & Development

Sacred Union Coaching

If you are one looking for guidance along your spiritual journey then this is your tier.  I work closely with the Holy Spirit to  mentor you.

 I assess where you are now and assist in your journey of God consciousness expansion, and spiritual development. I utilize aspects of Divine light and Divine truth  to provide guidance but also include mentoring to guide you along your beautiful sacred union journey.
I am here to guide you by planting the seed and walking you through the spiritual expansion processes, and to offer you the necessary tools to reach your greatest potential.

It’s a gift, an honor and my privilege to be able to remind you of who you truly are. A child of God.

A woman is looking up at the sun
Awaken Your Intuition

Divine Development

Learn the fundamentals of love, faith, gratitude & forgiveness through A Heart-Centered Coaching Certification Program Awaken to Your Higher Self; Awaken Your Intuition A Spiritual Intuitive Life Coaching Certification

Private one-on-one Mentorship also available
NEW: Six online group sessions, one-on-one phone session, 1 in person group session Mondays,

Do you feel guided to:
Serving Others· Answering Your Calling .Helping Heal and Serving in Love. Our spiritual life coaching certification will help you release what no longer serves you, provide an attunement and integrate spiritual hands on everyday practices to help create a platform for you and your practice.

You are struggling with your own challenges. You feel out of sorts as if you don’t’ fit in. You love helping others, but don’t how.

Soul Growth Journey Tribe Members Only Subscription

A monthly subscription that gives you access to learn practical tools & techniques for helping you further your connection with your own intuition. These can be anything from techniques to remove past emotional patterns, to books and resources I recommend, to guided meditations and healing exercises.

The membership currently exists as a private Facebook group in which you can interact directly with Sonia and other members on their journey.

Woman meditating in lotus pose on beach at sunset.
When you sign up for the Soul Growth Journey, please provide your Facebook URL and you will receive an invitation to join our private Facebook group.

Join My Divine Sacred Community!

I hope you will join my online community so you can receive not only my regular Soul Growth Journey newsletter, which is full of inspirational and healing messages, but also get advance notice of special events and subscriber-only offers, as well as connecting with like-minded souls all over the world. Sign up today!

Healing The Inner Child Mini- Past Life Regression

I along with your spiritual team are here to help you to understand that as a child whatever happened to you, you need not to cling to it, feel guilty or ashamed of it. During the past life regression we also help you to release these unconscious fears and old sabotaging beliefs assists you to bloom like a beautiful lotus, with all your potentials to enhance. Introduce you to the real you and make that inner child smile with the sense of confidence, hope and encouragement.

A girl walking down the street with her dog.

It is so important to see a bigger picture of your problem, take responsibility of your mistakes, help you to learn and move forward with open mind and heart. And in both, inner child and past life regression, integration is very important. Inner child work is powerful because we are raised in an unconscious society that doesn’t allow us to acknowledge the importance of our feelings and emotions, which leads to many suppressed feelings and wounds. We’re all traumatized people denying our own pain, and we re-traumatize ourselves over and over again. The wounded inner child will revert to a wounded 10 year old and the EGO will lash out to protect this wounded inner child. We are sometimes raised in broken families, there are toxic parents, there are narcissistic caretakers, there are emotionally immature fathers and self-involved mothers. Creating father abandonment and mother wounds to heal from. Inner child work allows us to unpacked suppressed wounds of feelings that we never gave permission to feel. Anger, sadness, despair, fear, anxiety — it was all there, stored in my body. Do you want to love and nurture your inner child? Does your inner child need healing?

Past Life Regression

An in-depth intuitive consultation in which we take a journey into your past to review any lessons, and/or relationships from your past lives are currently impacting your present life. We tap into your guides to provide insight into challenges that you signed up for in order to progress in your personal spiritual evolution, as well as guidance on how to navigate them. This reading leaves you with a higher awareness of self and context, as well as a greater sense of empowerment to continue with your journey in this lifetime.

Twin Flame Mini Past Life Regression,Reading & Clearing

Healing Your Past Life Contract -Together with your Spiritual Team we go into one past life that you and your twin flame shared past karma in. We return to that timeline to understand it, to heal the trauma and to clear the karma. Understanding the past can also make us understand any unconscious trauma or fear that you are experiencing in the this lifetime that is associated from a past lifetime. You may not even be aware of the trauma but you are aware of the pain or fear associated to that past life. 

A woman standing in front of an arch with the sun shining through.

Clearing The Past Life Contract -Once we return to that timeline we ask your higher self to end or change the relationship. If your partner comes in we ask if they agree, if they agree, a new relationship can be established. If they do not agree, the relationship should be ended. Allowing this would allow you to move forward on your timeline. We also cut cords and complete karmic loops to close out karmic contracts. Afterwards we also hold space with a candle purification for you, your twin flame and karmic if one is involved. All this is done with the purest intentions of God’s Divine love and light. You do need to be in a place that you are able to hold space, forgive and release your counterpart.

I Am Life Coaching, LLC

Sonia Illescas

Sonia is dedicated to the growth and evolution of mindfulness and human consciousness. She is a holistic healer delivering the message of faith, love, compassion and forgiveness.

I Am Life Coaching

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